
Lookout Mountain

Drive Time: Approx 30 min from Littleton
Trails: Forest Loop -- 0.6 mi
            Meadow Loop -- 1.4 mi
Time It Took: Our 2nd grade girls finished the Meadow Loop hike in less than an hour -- maybe 45 min. They loved it. Took a few water breaks along the path, but no one complained about getting really tired. Spent about 45 min in the Nature Center.

Notes: Have the girls bring a water bottle. No need to call ahead. You can't set up a ranger talk on weekends but the staff in the Nature Center came around and chatted with the girls. One of the best Nature Centers I've seen anywhere, lots of hands-on stuff to do. We also got the girls each a spiral notebook (the cheap ones they use for school). After the hike, we had a snack at the picnic tables and let the girls write/draw in their "nature journals" -- hugely popular activity! We'll keep the journals and let them do this on outings throughout the year -- at the end, they'll have a book of their adventures to keep.
Nature Center is closed Mondays.
Website: http://jeffco.us/openspace/openspace_T56_R14.htm#info

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