Sunday, November 18, 2012

Our Kaper Chart

I've been wanting to assign the girls some jobs for each meeting. The whole idea behind scouting is that the girls move toward more independence so that eventually, they're in charge of the troop. Our girls are still young but they need some responsibilities at the meetings (and they get really excited when they have jobs!) So I finally made us a kaper chart. I kept mine simple, with pre-cut foam shapes from Hobby Lobby and a corkboard I had sitting around the garage:

Our girls are 2nd graders...the jobs we've assigned for now are:
Attendance Taker (in case we earn a badge at the meeting -- we can keep track of who participated)
Pledge Leader (for the Pledge of Allegiance)
Promise Leader (for the Girl Scout Promise)
Friendship Squeeze Starter (we end every meeting with the Friendship Squeeze)
Snack Helper
Supply Helper (to pass out craft/other supplies)
Song Starter (we also end every meeting with "Make New Friends")

We tried it out at the last meeting and it was hugely popular. I just have to be careful now, and make sure every girl gets a chance to do something!

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